About Us

The Linferion Foundation is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. The Linferion Foundation was founded in 2000, by a concerned parent and a dedicated teacher, who wanted to help children improve in reading. After soliciting help from various sources, we discovered the Only way to help our children was to educate ourselves, first. So we performed extensive research, reviewed studies, interviewed educational professionals and parents. Then, under the guidance of a Literacy & IT Specialist, we created a program to help our children. Our children enjoyed the program and flourished in school. To date, thousands of children (families) have benefited from our programs.

Today, the Linferion Foundation offers a variety of programs that utilize problem solving techniques to mitigate/remove roadblocks that previously prevented self-sufficiency. We provide Education & Training, Employment, Business Services, Veteran, Homeless, Emergency Action Services, Advocacy, Preservation, Social Services, Counseling, Document Preparation and Referral programs.

Our primary mission is to help low to moderate income youth (families), obtain and/or maintain self-sufficiency through application of tools learned in our educational programs & by providing a bridge of assistance when they need it most. Youth (Adults) of all ages have continued to benefit from successful completion of our programs.

Our secondary mission is to help build the partnership between youth, parents, adults, educators and their community. This is accomplished through on-going communication, open feedback, up-to-date information, technological advances and creative activities that encourage all parties to successfully interact.

While constantly trying to meet the needs of all youth, we offer a new program or service annually. We pilot every program to verify its need and ensure its success. We are growing at such a rapid rate that we have recently had to expand operations again!